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Who We Are & What We Do

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Our Mission is to create a safe space where those with a uterus who are affected by medical negligence can find understanding and shared empathy in a group setting, Intertwining that with factual knowledge to boost our defence for human rights, challenging systematic oppression and creating awareness on the importance of equal and fair medical attention and treatment.

Image by Alexander Grey
Support Groups


Our Vision is creating a society where women that have experienced medical oppression not only get integral support, but also get built up as advocates for themselves. If we can get more people to face and fight the healthcare system, it will lead to a future where everyone is treated with dignity, equity and respect regardless of gender or reproductive organs.

Upset Stomach


The proper compassion and care for all.

The opportunity to share your story and to be heard.

Gender and sex equality.

A safe, comfortable, supportive environment.

Fostering self advocacy amongst our service users.

Meet the Team

Samara Rheaume

Website Owner
Tel: 1-403-986-5462

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